Ann Bateson started working in radio at the BBC and Radio Exterior de España. She created Madrid’s English radio programme, Madrid Live, which is broadcast on Radio Círculo at the Círculo de Bellas Artes arts centre in Madrid. Ann also conducts interviews on stage at the Hay Festival in Segovia and delivers workshops in radio production and presentation which focus on scriptwriting, voicing a script, presentation and interview techniques. The workshops have taken place at the I.E. University in Segovia, the Complutense University in Madrid and the Círculo de Bellas Artes Arts Centre.
Ann is also a voice artist and has undertaken recordings for the British Council, Ministry of Education, Santillana, Anaya, Oxford University Press, Telefónica, ESMadridTV and many Spanish museums including the Reina Sofía, Guggenheim and Museum Picasso.
Ann previously worked at The British Council, where she managed tours of flagship British theatre productions to Spain, including various Royal National Theatre and Royal Shakespeare Company productions.