- Radio Interview Corona virus – Dominique White
- Radio Interview Corona virus – Carmen Borrue Fernandez
In today’s programme Abi Lindsay Clark interviews Carla Palafox a psychologist who´s aim in this programme is to guide and give advice to people suffering from the different aspects of these Corona virus times. This highly experienced half German half Spanish Psychologist who studied in both countries and since has years of experience in her field, offers us plenty of information which will certainly benefit many listeners!
We talk about lots of different aspects. We address the fear of the whole experience, the difficulties of lockdown and not being allowed to go out, how this has been so challenging for both adults and children. The feelings of uncertainties when we finally entered fase 0 and could go out for short walks. The effects of modern technologies in the children´s everyday corona lives. We also look at how to deal with tragic loss which many have had to deal with. A programme which will hopefully help many people!
Radio lifestyle is growing and over the next few weeks we will be embarking on a huge selection of different types of programmes. We will have our programme, ‘Music life’, interviews with all sorts of musicians and people from the music world. ‘Eventful life’, Looking at the latest events happening in Madrid and all of Spain, anything from cultural events, concerts etc. ‘Sports Life’, the latest information from the sports world. ‘Food life’, interviews with Michelin star chefs, new restaurant openings, gastronomic events of all kinds. ‘Museum life’, the latest from the museums both here in Madrid and all over Spain. ‘Fashion life’, taking a look at the fashion world and fashion events taking place in Spain. ‘Healthy life’, our doctor covers all aspects of health and how to life a healthier, happier life. ‘Travel life’, Where to go for your next holidays albeit a Spanish mini break or a long haul expedition to the other side of the world….
Also, if you have a subject which you would like to hear on one of our programmes then please don´t hesitate to contact Abi Lindsay Clark at abi@madridmetropolitan.com